2016/9 托罗厦门工厂中秋博饼会
发布时间:2016-9-29 15:40:18    浏览次数:196

此次中秋佳节,厦门人民经历了自1999年起在厦门正面登陆的史上******超强台风“莫兰蒂 ”,我们的中秋假期彻底变成了“中秋劫”。幸运的是,我们在灾后三天内快速恢复生产。上周五晚上,托罗(中国)的厦门员工欢聚一堂,庆祝我们迟到的中秋及博饼活动。大家在餐厅迅速享用了美味的自助餐后,便迫不及待地开始了博饼活动。此次博饼较之去年似乎更为激烈,不仅有一桌是去年“王中王”的厮杀篇下集,还设置了特别的抽奖环节,手气欠佳的同事也有机会获得不同的“安慰奖”奖品。掷骰子声、欢笑声不绝于耳,我们在台风后忙碌的工作周后度过了一个开心的夜晚。


As ourmid-autumn festival holiday was hijacked by Super typhoon Meranti, we havewitnessed the strongest typhoon ever hit XIAMEN since the worst one in 1999.However, all TCIE Xiamen employees managed to survive this typhoon and resumedwork in 3 days. Last Friday evening, after enjoying buffet of snack, cake etc,we gathered together to celebrate our belated mid-autumn festival and Bobinga.k.a moon-cake gambling )party. The competition got crazier thisyear with a table mixed with  last year'schampions, which we dubbed as " the sequel to last year's king of thekings". A special round of prize draw was set up as "condolenceprize" for those losers, who won the least prizes.

Our trainingroom was packed with the winning prizes, the rolling of dices and laughterlingered in our ears. Dismissing the episode of after typhoon Meranti, we haveenjoyed a long working week but a really fun evening!